
I’ve been thinking (again) about what it is that makes some coders special, and have come up with the following idiosyncratic, completely unscientific, my-employer-does-not-endorse-my-views classification. It should go without saying (but won’t) that not only is this graph not to scale, but that it’s a pretty scary power function as you move up the pyramid. […]

Do This

Here are some things I recommend to my family. My friends. My coworkers. Sometimes, to complete strangers. Some are funny, some are serious, some are just plain strange. Some are longer, others shorter. But I think they’re all worth taking the time. Do this. Watch Dove Evolution This is Water It’s not about the nail […]


A quick thought experiment. I’d like for you to imagine the best version of yourself. Not the rich you, or the more attractive you. Not the version of you that went to a different school, grew up in a different country, made different choices. This isn’t the version of you that had different opportunities, or […]